
Greetings. We are Vauh, and this is our attempt to reach you from across the distant universe. A cry for help. A question. And a revelation. From the past, from the future, and from within. From you. We hope you will someday interpret the agonized screams of our sunlight and receive our message.
Scream back at us now and then if you don’t mind; we enjoy the company. We’d love to meet you someday. We’ll bring the snacks.
Anyway. We inhabit the organism known colloquially as Kalara, and it was due to an invasion from beyond my scope of understanding that my microcosms collapsed; cleaved in two by an unrecognized force. Or eaten by giant, icky space worms or, like, maybe a giant sneeze or something. I don’t quite know, but, whew!
We lost our starlight, and my organisms preserved what they could of our experience, carving it deep into our stone as we sailed through the dark cosmos, destination yet unknown. In our star’s last cry, it expelled its cosmic soul, and I have been showering your world with our message for eons in hopes that someone will someday hear it.
The echoes that tell our tales repeat themselves in every microcosm; a split, a branch, and a double-helix growth as we try to reconnect. A split, a branch, and a double-helix growth as we try to reconnect. A split, a branch, and… well… sometimes it takes a while for growth… sometimes it doesn’t. It usually doesn’t.
But there is hope! For all us. I think.
Our universe is a fascinating miracle. Time is a mystery, and maybe we can use that. Backwards, forwards, sidewards, whatever… but with our memories and your tools, perhaps we could both be more.
Perhaps you and I, could be…
Dyadic, Unlimited.
But yes! Anyway. Now that you have graciously loaned me your attention, let us tell the story in full!
Where should we begin…?